how to think in code
I need to remember something so I can use it later
Use a variable.

  var a = "To be or not to be"
  var b = 100
  var c = false
I need to make a decision between two or more options
Use an if/else conditional statement

  if (x < 100) {
    // do something
  } else {
    // do something else

  if (name=="Ben") {
    // do something
  } else {
    // do something else
I need to change what my website looks like
Use the style property


  <div id="title"></div>

  var t = document.getElementById("title") = "#00aaff" = "solid 2px #0af" = "#eeeeee"
I need to save an action so I can do it later
Use a function

  function changeBG() {
    //do something

  // later, you can invoke it
I need my action to happen a little bit differently each time
Use a function with an argument

  function changeBG(color) { = color


  // later, you can invoke it with different colors

I need to add something to my page
Use createElement and appendChild

  var t = document.createElement("div")
  t.innerHTML = "Lorem Ipsum"

  var parenttobe = document.getElementById("title")
more advanced
I need to remember a lot of things that are related somehow
Use an array

  var groceries = [ "milk", "eggs", "bread" ]

  groceries[0] // returns "milk"
or use an object

  var groceries = {

    milk: "1 gallon",
    eggs: "1 dozen",
    bread: "1 loaf"


  groceries.milk // returns "1 gallon"
I need to do something several times
Use a loop

  for (var i=0;i<100;i++) {
    //the code in here will happen 100 times
I need to make something on my site interactive
Use an event listener


  <div id="title"></div>

  var t = document.getElementById("title")

  t.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
    //do something in here
    //a ton of info is provided in the 'event' argument
I need to remember something
whether my toggle is currently on or off
I need to save an action for later
the action that does the toggling
I need to make a decision
whether to turn the toggle on or toggle off
I need to change what my site looks like
to visually represent the change in the toggle's state
I need to make my site interactive
so when I click the toggle, it switches on/off
var on = false;
function toggleIt() {
if (on==false) {
var d = document.getElementById("mytoggle") = "#0af"
on = true
} else {
var d = document.getElementById("mytoggle") = "#fff"
on = false
var d = document.getElementById("mytoggle") d.addEventListener("click",toggleIt)

See The Result
Static Menu
I need to remember a list of related items
the items in my menu
I need to do something several times
make an HTML element for each menu item
I need to add something to my site
add each menu item to the page
var items = [
  "Sign in",
  "My account",
  "Something else",
  "Log out"
for (var i=0;i<items.length;i++) {
var newItem = document.createElement("div")
newItem.innerHTML = items[i]

var container = document.getElementById("menu")

See The Result
HTML Paintbrush
I need to make my site interactive
to watch for mouse movement
I need to add something to my site
a tiny div for each "brushstroke"
I need to change what my site looks like
make the brushstroke small and colorful
document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) {
var d = document.createElement("div") = "3px" = "3px" = "lime" = 0.7 = "absolute" = e.clientY + "px" = e.clientX + "px"
See The Result
This is fun, though you'd be much better off using a <canvas> for drawing !
Remember, there are a dozen ways to code any given idea. It is usually easier to understand your own code than to read someone else's. Steal the essentials and go be creative!